Predicting broad-scale patterns of biodiversity is challenging, particularly in ecosystems where traditional methods of quantifying habitat structure fail to capture subtle but potentially important variation within habitat types. With the unprecedented rate at which global biodiversity is declining, there is a strong need for improvement in methods for discerning broad-scale differences in habitat quality. Here, we test the importance of habitat structure (i.e. fine-scale spatial variability in plant growth forms) and plant productivity (i.e. amount of green biomass) for predicting avian biodiversity. We used image texture (i.e. a surrogate for habitat structure) and vegetation indices (i.e. surrogates for plant productivity) derived from Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) data for predicting bird species richness patterns in the northern Chihuahuan Desert of New Mexico. Bird species richness was summarized for forty-two 108 ha plots in the McGregor Range of Fort Bliss Military Reserve between 1996 and 1998. Six Landsat TM bands and the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) were used to calculate first-order and second-order image texture measures. The relationship between bird species richness versus image texture and productivity (mean NDVI) was assessed using Bayesian model averaging. The predictive ability of the models was evaluated using leave-one-out cross-validation. Texture of NDVI predicted bird species richness better than texture of individual Landsat TM bands and accounted for up to 82.3% of the variability in species richness. Combining habitat structure and productivity measures accounted for up to 87.4% of the variability in bird species richness. Our results highlight that texture measures from Landsat TM imagery were useful for predicting patterns of bird species richness in semi-arid ecosystems and that image texture is a promising tool when assessing broad-scale patterns of biodiversity using remotely sensed data.
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Many wild species are affected by human activities occurring at broad spatial scales. For instance, in South America, habitat loss threatens Greater Rhea (Rhea americana) populations, making it important to model and map their habitat to better target conservation efforts. Spatially explicit habitat modeling is a powerful approach to understand and predict species occurrence and abundance. One problem with this approach is that commonly used land cover classifications do not capture the variability within a given land cover class that might constitute important habitat attribute information. Texture measures derived from remote sensing images quantify the variability in habitat features among and within habitat types; hence they are potentially a powerful tool to assess species-habitat relationships. Our goal was to explore the utility of texture measures for habitat modeling and to develop a habitat suitability map for Greater Rheas at the home range level in grasslands of Argentina. Greater Rhea group size obtained from aerial surveys was regressed against distance to roads, houses, and water, and land cover class abundance (dicotyledons, crops, grassland, forest, and bare soil), normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI), and selected first- and second-order texture measures derived from Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) imagery. Among univariate models, Rhea group size was most strongly positively correlated with texture variables derived from near infrared reflectance measurement (TM band 4). The best multiple regression models explained 78% of the variability in Greater Rhea group size. Our results suggest that texture variables captured habitat heterogeneity that the conventional land cover classification did not detect. We used Greater Rhea group size as an indicator of habitat suitability; we categorized model output into different habitat quality classes. Only 16% of the study area represented high-quality habitat for Greater Rheas (group size =15). Our results stress the potential of image texture to capture within-habitat variability in habitat assessments, and the necessity to preserve the remaining natural habitat for Greater Rheas.
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File: Radeloff_etal_Ecography2000.pdf
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Remote sensing needs to clarify the strengths of different methods so they can be consistently applied in forest management and ecology. Both the use of phenological information in satellite imagery and the use of vegetation indices have independently improved classifications of north temperate forests. Combining these sources of information in change detection has been effective for land cover classifications at the continental scale based on Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) imagery. Our objective is to test if using vegetation indices and change analysis of multiseasonal imagery can also improve the classification accuracy of deciduous forests at the landscape scale. We used Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) scenes that corresponded to Populus spp. leaf-on and Quercus spp. leaf-off (May), peak summer (August), Acer spp. peak color (September), Acer spp. and Populus spp. leaf-off (October). Input data files derived from the imagery were: (1) TM Bands 3, 4, and 5 from all dates; (2) Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) from all dates; (3) Tasseled Cap brightness, greenness, and wetness (BGW) from all dates; (4) difference in TM Bands 3, 4, and 5 from one date to the next; (5) difference in NDVI from one date to the next; and (6) difference in BGW from one date to the next. The overall kappa statistics (KHAT) for the aforementioned classifications of deciduous genera were 0.48, 0.36, 0.33, 0.38, 0.26, 0.43, respectively. The highest accuracies occurred from TM Bands 3, 4, and 5 (61.0% for deciduous genera, 67.8% for all classes) or from the difference in BGW (61.0% for deciduous genera, 67.8% for all classes). However, the difference in Tasseled Cap classification more accurately separated deciduous shrubs and harvested stands from closed canopy forest. Our results indicate that phenological change of forest is most accurately captured by combining image differencing and Tasseled Cap indices.
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Agricultural areas are declining in many areas of the world, often because socio-economic and political changes make agriculture less profitable. The transition from centralized to market-oriented economies in Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union after 1989 represented major economic and political changes, yet the resulting rates and spatial pattern of post-socialist farmland abandonment remain largely unknown. Remote sensing offers unique opportunities to map farmland abandonment, but automated assessments are challenging because phenology and crop types often vary substantially. We developed a change detection method based on support vector machines (SVM) to map farmland abandonment in the border triangle of Poland, Slovakia, and Ukraine in the Carpathians from Landsat TM/ETM+ images from 1986, 1988, and 2000. Our SVM-based approach yielded an accurate change map (overall accuracy = 90.9%; kappa = 0.82), underpinning the potential of SVM to map complex land-use change processes such as farmland abandonment. Farmland abandonment was widespread in the study area (16.1% of the farmland used in socialist times), likely due to decreasing profitability of agriculture after 1989. We also found substantial differences in abandonment among the countries (13.9% in Poland, 20.7% in Slovakia, and 13.3% in Ukraine), and between previously collectivized farmland and farmland that remained private during socialism in Poland. These differences are likely due to differences in socialist land ownership patterns, post-socialist land reform strategies, and rural population density.
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Forests provide important ecosystem services, and protected areas around the world are intended to reduce human disturbance on forests. The question is how forest cover is changing in different parts of the world, why some areas are more frequently disturbed, and if protected areas are effective in limiting anthropogenic forest disturbance. The Carpathians are Eastern Europe's largest contiguous forest ecosystem and are a hotspot of biodiversity. Eastern Europe has undergone dramatic changes in political and socioeconomic structures since 1990, when socialistic state economies transitioned toward market economies. However, the effects of the political and economic transition on Carpathian forests remain largely unknown. Our goals were to compare post-socialist forest disturbance and to assess the effectiveness of protected areas in the border triangle of Poland, Slovakia, and Ukraine, to better understand the role of broadscale political and socioeconomic factors. Forest disturbances were assessed using the forest disturbance index derived from Landsat MSS/TM/ETM images from 1978 to 2000. Our results showed increased harvesting in all three countries (up to 1.8 times) in 1988-1994, right after the system change. Forest disturbance rates differed markedly among countries (disturbance rates in Ukraine were 4.5 times higher than in Poland, and those in Slovakia were 4.3 times higher than in Poland), and in Ukraine, harvests tended to occur at higher elevations. Forest fragmentation increased in all three countries but experienced a stronger increase in Slovakia and Ukraine (;5% decrease in core forest) than in Poland. Protected areas were most effective in Poland and in Slovakia, where harvesting rates dropped markedly (by nearly an order of magnitude in Slovakia) after protected areas were designated. In Ukraine, harvesting rates inside and outside protected areas did not differ appreciably, and harvests were widespread immediately before the designation of protected areas. In summary, the socioeconomic changes in Eastern Europe that occurred since 1990 had strong effects on forest disturbance. Differences in disturbance rates among countries appear to be most closely related to broadscale socioeconomic conditions, forest management practices, forest policies, and the strength of institutions. We suggest that such factors may be equally important in other regions of the world.
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LiDAR data are increasingly available from both airborne and spaceborne missions to map elevation and vegetation structure. Additionally, global coverage may soon become available with NASA's planned DESDynI sensor. However, substantial challenges remain to using the growing body of LiDAR data. First, the large volumes of data generated by LiDAR sensors require efficient processing methods. Second, efficient sampling methods are needed to collect the field data used to relate LiDAR data with vegetation structure. In this paper, we used low-density LiDAR data, summarized within pixels of a regular grid, to estimate forest structure and biomass across a 53,600 ha study area in northeastern Wisconsin. Additionally, we compared the predictive ability of models constructed from a random sample to a sample stratified using mean and standard deviation of LiDAR heights. Our models explained between 65 to 88% of the variability in DBH, basal area, tree height, and biomass. Prediction errors from models constructed using a random sample were up to 68% larger than those from the models built with a stratified sample. The stratified sample included a greater range of variability than the random sample. Thus, applying the random sample model to the entire population violated a tenet of regression analysis; namely, that models should not be used to extrapolate beyond the range of data from which they were constructed. Our results highlight that LiDAR data integrated with field data sampling designs can provide broad-scale assessments of vegetation structure and biomass, i.e., information crucial for carbon and biodiversity science.
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The spectral reflectance of ground objects in mountainous areas is largely contaminated by second-order effects which are due to topographic slope and aspect. Such topographic effects present severe problems for the consistent analysis of optical remote sensing images, in particular for satellite-based forest cover mapping. We have integrated a topographic correction module into a modified 5S atmospheric correction model, where targets are assumed to have Lambertian reflectance characteristics. The method was successfully applied to four Landsat Thematic Mapper images with large seasonal differences in solar elevation. Classification methods of increasing complexity (euclidean minimum distance, maximum likelihood, and a backpropagation neural network) have then been used to produce forest stand maps from images which were either corrected for atmospheric effects only or for radiometric distortions due to both atmosphere and topography. It is demonstrated that the topographic corrections provide important improvements when direct and diffuse radiation components are properly accounted for. Differences between the actual bidirectional reflectance properties of forest stands and their approximation by Lambertian reflectance characteristics seem to be less important.
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File: Kuczenski_etal_JAWRA2000.pdf
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New methods are needed to derive detailed spatial environmental data for large areas, with the increasing interest in landscape ecology and ecosystem management at large scales. We describe a method that integrates several data sources for assessing forest composition across large, heterogeneous landscapes. Multitemporal Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) satellite data can yield forest classi?cations with spatially detailed information down to the dominant canopy species level in temperate deciduous and mixed forests. We strati?ed a large region (10^6 ha) by ecoregions (10^3-10^4 ha). Within each ecoregion, plot-level, ?eld inventory data were aggregated to provide information on secondary and sub-canopy tree species occurrence, and tree age class distributions. We derived a probabilistic algorithm to assign information from a point coverage (forest inventory sampling points) and a polygon coverage (ecoregion boundaries) to a raster map (satellite land cover classi?cation). The method was applied to a region in northern Wisconsin, USA. The satellite map captures the occurrence and the patch structure of canopy dominants. The inventory data provide important secondary information on age class and associated species not available with current canopy remote sensing. In this way we derived new maps of tree species distribution and stand age re?ecting differences at the ecoregion scale. These maps can be used in assessing forest patterns across regional landscapes, and as input data in models to examine forest landscape change over time. As an example, we discuss the distribution of eastern white pine (Pinus strobus) as an associated species and its potential for restoration in our study region. Our method partially ?lls a current information gap at the landscape scale. However, its applicability is also limited to this scale.
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