Wildfire ignition distribution models are powerful tools for predicting the probability of ignitions across broad areas, and identifying their drivers. Several approaches have been used for ignition-distribution modelling, yet the performance of different model types has not been compared. This is unfortunate, given that conceptually similar species-distribution models exhibit pronounced differences among model types. Therefore, our goal was to compare the predictive performance, variable importance and the spatial patterns of predicted ignition-probabilities of three ignition-distribution model types: one parametric, statistical model (Generalised Linear Models, GLM) and two machine-learning algorithms (Random Forests and Maximum Entropy, Maxent). We parameterised the models using 16 years of ignitions data and environmental data for the Huron-Manistee National Forest in Michigan, USA. Random Forests and Maxent had slightly better prediction accuracies than did GLM, but model fit was similar for all three. Variables related to human population and development were the best predictors of wildfire ignition locations in all models (although variable rankings differed slightly), along with elevation. However, despite similar model performance and variables, the map of ignition probabilities generated by Maxent was markedly different from those of the two other models. We thus suggest that when accurate predictions are desired, the outcomes of different model types should be compared, or alternatively combined, to produce ensemble predictions.
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The wildland urban interface (WUI) delineates the areas where wildland fire hazard most directly impacts human communities and threatens lives and property, and where houses exert the strongest influence on the natural environment. Housing data are a major problem for WUI mapping. When housing data are zonal, the concept of a WUI neighborhood can be captured easily in a density measure, but variations in zone (census block) size and shape introduce bias. Other housing data are points, so zonal issues are avoided, but the neighborhood character of the WUI is lost if houses are evaluated individually. Our goal was to develop a consistent method to map the WUI that is able to determine where neighborhoods (or clusters of houses) exist, using just housing location and wildland fuel data. We used structure and vegetation maps and a moving window analysis, with various window sizes representing neighborhood sizes, to calculate the neighborhood density of both houses and wildland vegetation. Mapping four distinct areas (in WI, MI, CA and CO) the method resulted in amounts of WUI comparable to those of zonal mapping, but with greater precision. We conclude that this hybrid method is a useful alternative to zonal mapping from the neighborhood to the landscape scale, and results in maps that are better suited to operational fire management (e.g., fuels reduction) needs, while maintaining consistency with conceptual and U.S. policy-specific WUI definitions.
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Surging wildfires across the globe are contributing to escalating residential losses and have major social, economic, and ecological consequences. The highest losses in the U.S. occur in southern California, where nearly 1000 homes per year have been destroyed by wildfires since 2000. Wildfire risk reduction efforts focus primarily on fuel reduction and, to a lesser degree, on house characteristics and homeowner responsibility. However, the extent to which land use planning could alleviate wildfire risk has been largely missing from the debate despite large numbers of homes being placed in the most hazardous parts of the landscape. Our goal was to examine how housing location and arrangement affects the likelihood that a home will be lost when a wildfire occurs. We developed an extensive geographic dataset of structure locations, including more than 5500 structures that were destroyed or damaged by wildfire since 2001, and identified the main contributors to property loss in two extensive, fire-prone regions in southern California. The arrangement and location of structures strongly affected their susceptibility to wildfire, with property loss most likely at low to intermediate structure densities and in areas with a history of frequent fire. Rates of structure loss were higher when structures were surrounded by wildland vegetation, but were generally higher in herbaceous fuel types than in higher fuel-volume woody types. Empirically based maps developed using housing pattern and location performed better in distinguishing hazardous from non-hazardous areas than maps based on fuel distribution. The strong importance of housing arrangement and location indicate that land use planning may be a critical tool for reducing fire risk, but it will require reliable delineations of the most hazardous locations.
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Understanding the factors related to invasive exotic species distributions at broad spatial scales has important theoretical and management implications, because biological invasions are detrimental to many ecosystem functions and processes. Housing development facilitates invasions by disturbing land cover, introducing nonnative landscaping plants, and facilitating dispersal of propagules along roads. To evaluate relationships between housing and the distribution of invasive exotic plants, we asked (1) how strongly is housing associated with the spatial distribution of invasive exotic plants compared to other anthropogenic and environmental factors; (2) what type of housing pattern is related to the richness of invasive exotic plants; and (3) do invasive plants represent ecological traits associated with speci?c housing patterns? Using two types of regression analysis (best subset analysis and hierarchical partitioning analysis), we found that invasive exotic plant richness was equally or more strongly related to housing variables than to other human (e.g., mean income and roads) and environmental (e.g., topography and forest cover) variables at the county level across New England. Richness of invasive exotic plants was positively related to area of wildland-urban interface (WUI), low-density residential areas, change in number of housing units between 1940 and 2000, mean income, plant productivity (NDVI), and altitudinal range and rainfall; it was negatively related to forest area and connectivity. Plant life history traits were not strongly related to housing patterns. We expect the number of invasive exotic plants to increase as a result of future housing growth and suggest that housing development be considered a primary factor in plans to manage and monitor invasive exotic
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Forests throughout the US are invaded by non-native invasive plants. Rural housing may contribute to non-native plant invasions by introducing plants via landscaping, and by creating habitat conditions favorable for invaders. The objective of this paper was to test the hypothesis that rural housing is a significant factor explaining the distribution of invasive non-native plants in temperate forests of the Midwestern U.S. In the Baraboo Hills, Wisconsin, we sampled 105 plots in forests interiors. We recorded richness and abundance of the most common invasive non-native plants and measured rural housing, human-caused landscape fragmentation (e.g. roads and forest edges), forest structure and topography. We used regression analysis to identify the variables more related to the distribution of non-native invasive plants (best subset and hierarchical partitioning analyses for richness and abundance and logistic regression for presence/absence of individual species). Housing variables had the strongest association with richness of non-native invasive plants along with distance to edge and elevation, while the number of houses in a 1 km buffer around each plot was the variable most strongly associated with abundance of non-native invasive plants. Rhamnus cathartica and Lonicera spp were most strongly associated with rural housing and fragmentation. Berberis thumbergii and Rosa multiflora were associated with gentle slopes and low elevation, while Alliaria petiolata was associated with higher cover of native vegetation and stands with no recent logging history. Housing development inside or adjacent to forests of high conservation value and the use of non-native invasive plants for landscaping should be discouraged.
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Natural resource amenities may be an attractor as people decide where they will live and invest in property. In the American Midwest these amenities range from lakes to forests to pastoral landscapes, depending on the ecological province. We used simple linear regression models to test the hypotheses that physiographic, land cover (composition and spatial pattern), forest characteristics, land use on undeveloped land, public ownership, soil productivity and proximity to urban centers predict changes in population, housing, and seasonal housing densities over a 10-year interval (1980-1990). We then generated multiple-regression models to predict population, total and seasonal housing density change in the most recent decade (1990- 2000) based on ownership and ecological conditions in 1990 and tested them by comparing the predictions to actual change measured by the US Census Bureau. Our results indicate that the independent variables explained between 25 and 40% of the variability in population density change, 42-67% of the variability of total housing density change, and 13-32% of the variability in seasonal housing density change in the 1980s, depending on the province. The strength of the relationships between independent and dependent variables varied by province, and in some cases the sign varied as well. Topographic relief was significantly related to population growth in all provinces, and land cover composition and the presence of water was significantly related to total housing growth in all provinces. There was a surprisingly limited association of any of the independent variables to seasonal housing growth in the northern province, which is commonly perceived to attract seasonal use because of ecological amenities. Proximity to urban centers is related to population and housing density change, but not seasonal housing density change. Our tests indicated that models for population density change showed some utility, but the models for total and seasonal housing density generally performed poorly. Ecologic variables were consistently poor at predicting seasonal housing density change. Our results show that environmental characteristics appear to have some influence on the spatial distribution of population and housing change in the Midwest, although other factors that were not modeled are clearly dominant.
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Housing growth is a primary form of landscape change that is occurring throughout the world. Because of the ecological impacts of housing growth, understanding the patterns of growth over time is imperative in order to better inform land use planning, natural resource management, and conservation. Our primary goal was to quantify hotspots of housing growth in the North Central United States over a 60-year time frame (1940-2000) using a spatial statistical approach. Specifically, our objectives were to: (1) determine where housing growth hotspots exist; (2) determine if hotspots are changing in space and over time; and, (3) investigate if hotspots differ based upon the type of measurement and scale of analysis. Our approach was based on a spatial statistical framework (Getis-Ord G* statistic) that compared local housing growth patterns with regional growth rates. Over the 60-year period the number and mean area of hotspots, measured both as absolute and percent growth, remained largely constant. However, total area of all hotspots increased significantly over time as measured by absolute growth. Spatially, the hotspots shifted over time and exhibited different patterns based upon the measurement. Absolute growth hotspots exhibited patterns of expanding sets of rings around urban centers, whereas percent growth hotspots exhibited both expanding rings and shifting locations throughout rural locations. When increasing the neighborhood size used to discern hotspots from 5 to 50 km, the number of hotspots decreased while their size increased. Regardless of neighborhood size, ~95 and ~88% of the landscape, as measured by absolute and percent growth, respectively, never contained a hotspot. Overall our results indicate that housing growth is occurring at distinct locations on the landscape, which change in space and time, and are influenced by the scale of analysis and type of measure. In general these results provide useful information for the natural resource, planning, and policy communities.
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In the present study,we examine housing growth in California, Oregon, andWashington in the wildland-urban interface (WUI), the area where homes and other structures abut or intermingle with wildland vegetation. We combine housing density information from the 1990 and 2000 USA censuses with land cover information from the 1992/93 National Land Cover Dataset to demarcate the location and extent of the WUI and its growth, both in terms of area and number of housing units during the 1990s.We overlay the WUI with coarse-scale fire regime condition class information to evaluate implications for wildland fire management. During the 1990s, WUI area in the three-state region increased by 5218 km2 (10.9%) to nearly 53 000 km2 and the number of housing units in the WUI increased over 1 million units (17.6%) and in 2000 encompassed 6.9 million units, 43% of all housing in the region. Over a million new homes were constructed in the WUI, comprising 61% of the new homes constructed in the region. By 2000, there was far more intermixWUI (75% of the WUI area and 64% of the WUI housing units) than interface WUI. Expansion of the WUI accounted for only 13% of WUI housing unit growth and WUI that existed in 1990 encompassed 98% of WUI housing units in 2000. In 2000, there were nearly 1.5 million WUI housing units in areas with 0-35-year fire return intervals and 3.4 million in areas with 35-100+ year fire return intervals. In both these fire regimes, the majority of WUI housing units (66% and 90% respectively) are in areas with a current condition outside the historic range of variability. Housing growth patterns in this three-state region are exacerbating wildland fire problems in the WUI. Any long-term solution to wildland fire issues in the western United States will have to address housing growth patterns. Using a consistent, nationally applicable assessment protocol, the present study reveals the vast extent of WUI in the west coast states and its growth in the 1990s, and provides a foundation for consistent monitoring efforts.
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The rapid growth of housing in and near the wildland-urban interface (WUI) increases wildfire risk to lives and structures. To reduce fire risk, it is necessary to identify WUI housing areas that are more susceptible to wildfire. This is challenging, because wildfire patterns depend on fire behavior and spread, which in turn depend on ignition locations, weather conditions, the spatial arrangement of fuels, and topography. The goal of our study was to assess wildfire risk to a 60,000 ha WUI area in northwestern Wisconsin while accounting for all of these factors. We conducted 6000 simulations with two dynamic fire models: Fire Area Simulator (FARSITE) and Minimum Travel Time (MTT) in order to map the spatial pattern of burn probabilities. Simulations were run under normal and extreme weather conditions to assess the effect of weather on fire spread, burn probability, and risk to structures. The resulting burn probability maps were intersected with maps of structure locations and land cover types. The simulations revealed clear hotspots of wildfire activity and a large range of wildfire risk to structures in the study area. As expected, the extreme weather conditions yielded higher burn probabilities over the entire landscape, as well as to different land cover classes and individual structures. Moreover, the spatial pattern of risk was significantly different between extreme and normal weather conditions. The results highlight the fact that extreme weather conditions not only produce higher fire risk than normal weather conditions, but also change the fine-scale locations of high risk areas in the landscape, which is of great importance for fire management in WUI areas. In addition, the choice of weather data may limit the potential for comparisons of risk maps for different areas and for extrapolating risk maps to future scenarios where weather conditions are unknown. Our approach to modeling wildfire risk to structures can aid fire risk reduction management activities by identifying areas with elevated wildfire risk and those most vulnerable under extreme weather conditions.
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Maps of the wildland- urban interface (WUI) are both policy tools and powerful visual images. Although the growing number of WUI maps serve similar purposes, this article indicates that WUI maps derived from the same data sets can differ in important ways related to their original intended application. We discuss the use of ancillary data in modifying census data to improve WUI maps and offer a cautionary note about this practice. A comparison of two WUI mapping approaches suggests that no single map is best because users' needs vary. The analysts who create maps are responsible for ensuring that users understand their purpose, data, and methods; map users are responsible for paying attention to these features and using each map accordingly. These considerations should apply to any analysis but are especially important to analyses of the WUI on which policy decisions will be made.
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