Vegetation cover in relation to socioeconomic factors in a tropical city assessed from sub-meter resolution imagery

Fine-scale information about urban vegetation and social-ecological relationships
is crucial to inform both urban planning and ecological research, and high spatial resolution
imagery is a valuable tool for assessing urban areas. However, urban ecology and remote sensing
have largely focused on cities in temperate zones. Our goal was to characterize urban vegetation
cover with sub-meter (<1 m) resolution aerial imagery, and identify social-ecological relationships of urban vegetation patterns in a tropical city, the San Juan Metropolitan Area, Puerto Rico. Our specific objectives were to (1) map vegetation cover using sub-meter spatial resolution (0.3-m) imagery, (2) quantify the amount of residential and non-residential vegetation, and (3) investigate the relationship between patterns of urban vegetation vs. socioeconomic and environmental factors. We found that 61% of the San Juan Metropolitan Area was green and that our combination of high spatial resolution imagery and object-based classification was highly successful for extracting vegetation cover in a moist tropical city (97% accuracy). In addition, simple spatial pattern analysis allowed us to separate residential from non-residential vegetation with 76% accuracy, and patterns of residential and non-residential vegetation varied greatly across the city. Both socioeconomic (e.g., population density, building age, detached homes) and environmental variables (e.g., topography) were important in explaining variations in vegetation cover in our spatial regression models. However, important socioeconomic drivers found in cities in temperate zones, such as income and home value, were not important in San Juan. Climatic and cultural differences between tropical and temperate cities may result in different social-ecological relationships. Our study provides novel information for local land use planners, highlights the value of high spatial resolution remote sensing data to advance ecological research and urban planning in tropical cities, and emphasizes the need for more studies in tropical cities.

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Sprawling and diverse: the changing U.S. population and implications for protected areas in the 21st Century

Public lands are typically established in recognition of their unique ecological value, yet both ecological
and social values of public lands change over time, along with human distribution and land use. These
transformations are evident even in developed countries with long histories of public land management,
such as the United States. The 20th Century saw dramatic changes in the American population, in distribution
and in racial and ethnic diversity, leading to new challenges and new roles for public lands. Our
goal with this paper is to review changing demographics and implications for terrestrial protected areas
in the U.S. We overview the fundamentals of population change and data, review past trends in population
change and housing growth and their impacts on public lands, and then analyze the most recent
decade of demographic change (2000-2010) relative to public lands. Discussions of demographic change
and public lands commonly focus on the rural West, but we show that the South is also experiencing
substantial change in rural areas with public lands, including Hispanic population growth. We identify
those places, rural and urban, where demographic change (2000-2010), including diversification and
housing growth, coincide with public lands. Understanding the current trends and long-term demographic
context for recent changes in populations can help land managers and conservation scientists
mitigate the effects of residential development near public lands, serve a more diverse population, and
anticipate future population changes.

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Places where wildfire potential and social vulnerability coincide in the coterminous United States

The hazards-of-place model posits that vulnerability to environmental hazards depends on both biophysica and social factors. Biophysical factors determine where wildfire potential is elevated, whereas social factors determin where and how people are affected by wildfire. We evaluated place vulnerability to wildfire hazards in the coterminou US. We developed a social vulnerability index using principal component analysis and evaluated it against existin measures of wildfire potential and wildland–urban interface designations. We created maps showing the coincidence o social vulnerability and wildfire potential to identify places according to their vulnerability to wildfire. We found tha places with high wildfire potential have, on average, lower social vulnerability than other places, but nearly 10% of al housing in places with high wildfire potential also exhibits high social vulnerability. We summarised our data by states t evaluate trends at a subnational level. Although some regions, such as the South-east, had more housing in places with hig wildfire vulnerability, other regions, such as the upper Midwest, exhibited higher rates of vulnerability than expected. Ou results can help to inform wildfire prevention, mitigation and recovery planning, as well as reduce wildfire hazard affecting vulnerable places and populations.

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Past and predicted future effects of housing growth on open space pathways and habitat connectivity around National Wildlife Refuges

Context Housing growth can alter suitability o matrix habitats around protected areas, strongl affecting movements of organisms and, consequently threatening connectivity of protected area networks Objectives Our goal was to quantify distribution an growth of housing around the U.S. Fish and Wildlif Service National Wildlife Refuge System. This i important information for conservation planning particularly given promotion of habitat connectivit as a climate change adaptation measure Methods We quantified housing growth from 194 to 2000 and projected future growth to 2030 withi three distances from refuges, identifying very lo housing density open space, ‘‘opportunity areas’ (contiguous areas with 6.17 houses/km ), bot nationally and by USFWS administrative region Additionally, we quantified number and area of habita corridors within these opportunity areas in 2000 Results Our results indicated that the number an area of open space opportunity areas generall decreased with increasing distance from refuges an with the passage of time. Furthermore, total area i habitat corridors was much lower than in opportunit areas. In addition, the number of corridors sometime exceeded number of opportunity areas as a result o habitat fragmentation, indicating corridors are likel vulnerable to land use change. Finally, regional differences were strong and indicated some refuge may have experienced so much housing growt already that they are effectively too isolated to adap to climate change, while others may require extensiv habitat restoration work Conclusions Wildlife refuges are increasingly isolate by residential housing development, potentiall constraining the movement of wildlife and, therefore their ability to adapt to a changing climate.

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Prioritizing land management efforts at a landscape scale: a case study using prescribed fire in Wisconsin

One challenge in the effort to conserve biodiversity is identifying where to prioritize resources for active land management. Cost–benefit analyses have been used successfully as a conservation tool to identify sites that provide the greatest conservation benefit per unit cost. Our goal was to apply cost–benefit analysis to the question of how to prioritize land management efforts, in our case the application of prescribed fire to natural landscapes in Wisconsin, USA. We quantified and mapped frequently burned communities and prioritized management units based on a suite of indices that captured ecological benefits, management effort, and the feasibility of successful long- term manage-ment actions. Data for these indices came from LANDFIRE, Wisconsin’s Wildlife Action Plan, and a nationwide wildland–urban interface assessment. We found that the majority of frequently burned vegetation types occurred in the southern portion of the state. How-ever, the highest priority areas for applying prescribed fire occurred in the central, north-west, and northeast portion of the state where frequently burned vegetation patches were larger and where identified areas of high biological importance area occurred. Although our focus was on the use of prescribed fire in Wisconsin, our methods can be adapted to prioritize other land management activities. Such prioritization is necessary to achieve the greatest possible benefits from limited funding for land management actions, and our results show that it is feasible at scales that are relevant for land management decisions.

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Recovery and adaptation after wildfire on the Colorado Front Range (2010-2012)

Following the loss of homes to wildfire, when risk has been made apparent, homeowners must decide whethe to rebuild, and choose materials and vegetation, while local governments guide recovery and rebuilding. As wildfires ar smaller and more localised than other disasters, it is unclear if recovery after wildfire results in policy change and adaptation decreasing assets at risk, or if recovery encourages reinvestment in hazard-prone areas. We studied three wildfires on th Colorado Front Range from 2010 to 2012 that each destroyed over 150 homes, describing policy response and characterisin the built environment after wildfire. In each location, we found some adaptation, through better-mitigated homes an stronger building and vegetation mitigation standards, but also extensive reinvestment in hazard-prone environments, wit governmental support. Despite suggestions that disaster can lead to substantial policy change and elevate the role of land-us planning, we saw only modest reforms: local governments did not revise land-use regulations; a statewide task forc considered but did not require standards for building and vegetation mitigation; and only one jurisdiction strengthened it building and vegetation mitigation standards. Experiences in Colorado suggest that time after wildfire either does no provide extensive opportunities for adaptation in the built environment, or that these opportunities are easily missed.

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Conservation hotspots for marine turtles nesting areas based on exposure to coastal development

Coastal areas provide nesting habitat for marine turtles that is critical for the persistence of their populations. However, many coastal areas are highly affected by coastal development, which affects the reproductive success of marine turtles. Knowing the extent to which nesting areas are exposed to these threats is essential to guide management initiatives. This information is particularly important for coastal areas with both high nesting density and dense human development, a combination that is common in the United States. We assessed the extent to which nesting areas of the loggerhead (Caretta caretta), the green (Chelonia mydas), the Kemp’s ridley (Lepidochelys kempii), and leatherback turtles (Dermochelys coria-cea) in the continental United States are exposed to coastal development and identified conser-vation hotspots that currently have high reproductive importance and either face high exposure to coastal development (needing intervention), or have low exposure to coastal development, and are good candidates for continued and future protection. Night- time light, housing, and population density were used as proxies for coastal development and human disturbance. About 81.6% of nesting areas were exposed to housing and human population, and 97.8% were exposed to light pollution. Further, most (>65%) of the very high- and high- density nesting areas for each species/subpopulation, except for the Kemp’s ridley, were exposed to coastal development. Forty- nine nesting sites were selected as conservation hotspots; of those high- density nesting sites, 49% were sites with no/low exposure to coastal development and the other 51% were exposed to high- density coastal development. Conservation strategies need to account for ~66.8% of all marine turtle nesting areas being on private land and for nesting sites being exposed to large numbers of seasonal residents.

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The relative impacts of vegetation, topography and spatial arrangement on building loss to wildfires in case studies in California and Colorado

Context Wildfires destroy thousands of building every year in the wildland urban interface. However fire typically only destroys a fraction of the building within a given fire perimeter, suggesting more coul be done to mitigate risk if we understood how t configure residential landscapes so that both peopl and buildings could survive fire Objectives Our goal was to understand the relativ importance of vegetation, topography and spatia arrangement of buildings on building loss, within th fire’s landscape context Methods We analyzed two fires: one in San Diego CA and another in Boulder, CO. We analyzed Googl Earth historical imagery to digitize buildings expose to the fires, a geographic information system t measure some of the explanatory variables, an FRAGSTATS to quantify landscape metrics. Usin logistic regression we conducted an exhaustive mode search to select the best models Results The type of variables that were importan varied across communities. We found complex spatia effects and no single model explained building los everywhere, but topography and the spatial arrangemen of buildings explained most of the variability i building losses. Vegetation connectivity was mor important than vegetation type Conclusions Location and spatial arrangement o buildings affect which buildings burn in a wildfire which is important for urban planning, building siting landscape design of future development, and to target fire prevention, fuel reduction, and homeowner educatio efforts in existing communities. Landscap context of buildings and communities is an importan aspect of building loss, and if taken into consideration could help communities adapt to fire.

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