Urs Gimmi

Postdoctoral Fellow


since 2008: Research Scientist at Swiss Federal Insitute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research WSL (Research Unit Land-Use Dynamics)

2007-2008: Postdoctoral fellow at University of Wisconsin-Madison (SILVIS Lab)

2006-2007: Postdoctoral fellow at ETH (Forest Ecology)

2006: PhD in Environmental Science at ETH Zurich

2002: Master in Geography and History at University of Bern

Research interests

As a historical ecologist I am studying impact of human activities on landscapes and ecosystems over time. I work with different historical sources such as old maps and plans, historical photography and written archival documents. It is fascinating to combine historical material with modern techniques such as GIS and modeling. Thus, interdisciplinary cooperation is crucial for my work.

Personal interests

I like all kind of outdoor activities especially with my family. And I enjoy playing soccer and drinking a couple of beers with my teammates afterwards.

Where I'm From