Patricia Alexandre

Graduate Student


Since 2010: Ph.D. student Forestry, University of Wisconsin - Madison

2009: Master's Degree in Forestry (2008-2009), Technical University of Lisbon - Instituto Superior de Agronomia, Lisbon, Portugal

2007: B.S. Forestry, Technical University of Lisbon - Instituto Superior de Agronomia, Lisbon, Portugal

2004: Post Graduation Work, Planning and Management of Adventure Tourism, Escola Superior de Hotelaria do Estoril (Estoril, Portugal)

Research interests

I'm interested in understanding how people adapt to natural disasters, in particular wildfires. I'm also interested in spatial patterns of human development in relation to wildfire and how it affects house's vulnerability. How? Using spatial modelling techniques and looking into the past using satellite images.

Personal interests

I'm a Nature lover - hiking, rafting, camping or simply contemplating, you name it, I enjoy it! Especially if it involves water! I'm also a dancer... I do some European (and not so European) Folk dances. Social games like Carcassonne, Blokus, Catan, Jungle Speed, and so on, are also good entertainment for a nice quiet evening with friends. Another thing I love to do is learn!

Where I'm From