Martina Hobi

Postdoctoral Fellow


2013 ETH Zurich, Ph.D. in Environmental Sciences at WSL and in the Forest Ecology Group at ETH

2010 ETH Zurich, Certificate of Teaching Ability in Environmental Education

2008 ETH Zurich, Master of Science in Environmental Sciences, with specialization in Forest and Landscape Management

2006 ETH Zurich, Bachelor of Science in Environmental Sciences

Research interests

In my research I specialized in the analysis of the processes underlying long-term forest dynamics using terrestrial, dendroecological and remote sensing data. During my PhD-thesis I was analyzing the structure and disturbance patterns of the largest European primeval beech forest situated in the Ukrainian Carpathians. In a follow up research project I was working with stereo aerial images for nation-wide vegetation height modeling of Switzerland. My postdoc project in this lab focuses on biodiversity assessments at different spatial scales. I am working on the Dynamic Habitat Index (DHI) project sponsored by NASA. The main goal of this project is to use the DHI based on MODIS satellite data to predict biodiversity patterns using global species distribution models.

Personal interests

I am an outdoor person and like to enjoy nature by hiking, biking or inline skating. I like snow, so in winter you will find me skiing, sledding or snow-shoe hiking. When I am at home I enjoy gardening and cooking.

Where I'm From