Jodi Brandt

Graduate Student


Since 2008: PhD Forest and Wildlife Ecology, University of Wisconsin - Madison

2005: M.S. Marine-Estuarine-Environmental Sciences (MEES), University of Maryland

1996: B.A. Geology and Geophysics, Yale University

Research interests

In general, I am fascinated by how the interactions between geomorphology, climate, people, plants, and animals form and change the landscape. I will perform my PhD research in the Chinese Himalayans, where I will study land use/land cover change, and investigate the implications of that change for habitats and ecosystem processes.

Personal interests

I am drawn to activities that require specialty footwear, such as cross-country skiing, soccer, backpacking, and Buddhist meditation. I also love going to live music shows, and I enjoy sharing pitchers of good beer with my friends, as long as they don't keep me up past my bedtime.

Where I'm From