Eric Wood

Graduate Student


2011: PhD Forest Ecology & Management, University of Wisconsin - Madison

2006: M.S. Wildlife Ecology, Humboldt State University

2001: B.S. Biological Sciences, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo

Research interests

I am broadly interested in wildlife habitat ecology and applied biodiversity conservation. My core research investigates the impacts of land use and climate change on species interactions with their environment. I specialize in avian ecology and explore questions related to spring and fall migration and the breeding period. Furthermore, I study butterflies and use them - along with birds - as focal taxa to better understand species-habitat interactions, community and landscape ecology, ecosystem services, and phenology. Much of my work involves field data collection with most of that happening in Wisconsin, California, and Hawaii. However I often apply remote sensing methods and GIS (spatial modeling) techniques, coupled with my field data, to fully explore processes and patterns across multiple spatial extents.

Learn more about Eric Wood's research

Personal interests

I aspire to be a well-rounded naturalist. Thus I spend much of my free time birding, butterflying, odonating, botanizing, and so on. I travel often with my friends and although I don't surf or snowboard much anymore, I still consider those, along with making music, some of my favorite hobbies. Otherwise, I am often seen running, swimming, playing soccer, or biking around Madison. Like any true native northern Californian, I'll eat Mexican food three times a day, every day of the year.

Where I'm From