Emily Duerr

Academic Staff


2007: M.S., Forest Ecology, Clemson University

2002: B.S., Forestry, University of Wisconsin-Madison

Research interests

As a forester by training I enjoy most everything related to forest ecology. In the lab I get to do many diverse and interesting tasks, including finding (and digitizing) land change from above, making pretty maps, updating the website and creating databases. I also have an interest in the smaller things we don't get to see from the bird's eye view. Lichens, moss, fungi, and forest ground flora are the things I most enjoy inspecting when I am able to be out in the woods.

Personal interests

When I'm not in the lab much of my time is consumed by a very small princess. When I get a free moment or two I enjoy creating things - baked goods, preserves, socks, scarves, toys and blankets to name a few. In my former life I enjoyed traveling, hiking, cycling, botanizing and people watching. These now come in much smaller doses.

Where I'm From