Catalina Munteanu

Graduate Student


2008: Magistra rerum naturalium in Geography (MSc) - Leopold-Franzens-University of Innsbruck, Austria

2008: Geography Diploma (BSc), Babes-Bolyai-University, Cluj Napoca, Romania

Research interests

The ecological legacy of our ancestors is deeply engraved in the environment today; so as a society, we bear a great environmental responsibility for generations to come. My research aims to understand the land use legacies in our contemporary environment, in order to inform better conservation and land management decisions in the future. I study the Carpathian region – one of the most ecologically and culturally diverse ecosystems in Europe.

Watch a 3-miunute video or read a short blog-post to learn more about my research.

Follow me on Twitter: @catalinamunte

Personal interests

I like to spend my free time outdoors (cycling, mountaineering, hiking, skiing or gardening). I am also a practical spirit and enjoy putting my hands at work: whether it is small repairs or handcrafting. I love to cook and share food with friends!

Where I'm From