Benjamin Bleyhl

Visiting Scientist


2014: M.S. Physical Geography of Human-Environmental Systems, Humboldt-University, Berlin, Germany

2010: B.S. Landscape ecology, University of Muenster, Germany

Research interests

I am interested in conducting research that contributes to wildlife conservation. My focus lies on large mammal species and on identifying ways to sustain them in our landscapes. I mainly work at broad geographic scales and use spatially-explicit quantitative approaches such as species distribution modeling, connectivity analyses, and remote sensing. My goal is to conduct solution-oriented research that contributes to conservation science and landscape ecology and informs conservation, policy, and society. 

Personal interests

I am a huge fan of wildlife and nature, and I try to take as many opportunities as possible to spot wildlife. On the other side, living in Berlin taught me how nice and relaxing a lazy sunny weekend in a big city can be. You can also find me on my Humboldt-University webpage.

Where I'm From