Alexandra Syphard

Graduate Student


2008: Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Biology, San Diego State University

2007: Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Forest Ecology and Management, University of Wisconsin-Madison

2005: Ph.D., Geography, San Diego State University and University of California, Santa Barbara

1998: Master of Environmental Studies, Virginia Commonwealth University

1994: Master of Public Health, Medical College of Virginia

1992: B.A., English, University of Mary Washington

Research interests

My research focuses on landscape change that results from the interplay between human and natural disturbances, especially wildfire, urban development, and climate change. Using spatial-analytical and modeling methods, I investigate how change occurred in the past, how it is likely to occur in the future, and what types of ecological impacts are likely to result. I also envision how alternate management scenarios may differentially impact the biological and social integrity of different landscapes. I'm particularly interested in vegetation dynamics and wildfire in Mediterranean ecosystems, and the effects of multiple threats on rare and endemic plant species.

Personal interests

My favorite non-work activities include playing guitar (especially flamenco and Latin American music), practicing yoga, running, traveling to different countries, and enjoying some coffee or beer with friends and family. I've also been having fun learning Spanish.

Where I'm From