Andrzej Affek

Visiting Honorary Fellow

(608) 890-3160

126 Russell Laboratories
1630 Linden Drive
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Madison, WI 53706



2014: Ph.D. in Geography, Polish Academy of Sciences
2008: M.A. in Psychology, Warsaw University

Curriculum Vitae (PDF)

Research interests

• A multidisciplinary approach to the study of human-environment relationships
• Landscape ecology: patterns, processes and social perception
• Ecosystem services: potentials, pollination service, bumble bees
• Dynamics of spatial structures (e.g. vegetation, land ownership)
• The Carpathians - landscape transformation and the stability of former land systems
• Research methodology:
o modeling of relationships, phenomena and processes
o statistical analysis of spatial data
o psychometrics and surveys
o HGIS - Historical GIS
o airborne and terrestrial laser scanning (LiDAR)

In the SILVIS lab, I am investigating the role of land ownership legacies in long-term landscape change in the Carpathians.

Personal interests

Almost any outdoor activities like hiking, sailing, kayaking, backcountry skiing. I am also a Carpathian mountain guide and a beekeeper, and I like to spend time with my beloved children: Sara, Jaś and Lila.

Where I'm From

Selected Publications

Affek, A. 2018. Indicators of ecosystem potential for pollination and honey production. Ecological Indicators 94 (2): 33-45.

Affek, A., Kowalska, A. 2017. Ecosystem potentials to provide services in the view of direct users. Ecosystem Services 26: 183-196.

Affek, A., Zachwatowicz, M., Sosnowska, A., Gerlée, A., Kiszka, K. 2017. Impacts of modern mechanized skidding on the natural and cultural heritage of the Polish Carpathian Mountains. Forest Ecology and Management 405: 391-403.