Maps & Data

Wildland Urban Interface (WUI)

Changes in the WUI between 1990 and 2010


Growth in Housing Density in the U.S. between 1990 and 2010


Global Dynamic Habitat Indices (DHIs)

DHIs Clusters

Clusters of Global Productivity Estimates

Global Subnivium Data

Snow Cover & Snow Free Duration
Start/End/Length of Frozen Season

Historical Land Use in the Carpathians

Land use change in the Carpathians between 1860 and 1960

Impervious/Tree Cover Change around Chicago

Magnitude/Timing of Imperviousness and Tree Cover Change

U.S. Future Land Cover Projections

Scenarios of Future U.S. Land Cover in 2050

Climate Averages and Extremes

Historic/Modeled Climate Data for Conterminous U.S.

Habitat Heterogeneity Texture Metrics

EVI Peak Greenness and 1st/2nd order texture metrics

Caucasus Land Cover Change

Land-cover and forest/cropland change maps of the Caucasus

TIRS-Derived Biodiversity Patterns

Landsat 8 TIRS-derived thermal variables to predict winter biodiversity patterns

Vegetation loss in Caucasus grasslands

Vegetation loss in grasslands in the Caucasus 2002-2018

Winter Habitat Indices (WHIs)

WHIs based on Snow Cover Variability, Snow Season Length, and Frozen Ground without Snow duration.

Spatial and Temporal Variability Indices for Argentina

Vegetation greenness, land surface temperature, and hotspots of conservation concern