Global climate models predict increases in the frequency and intensity of extreme climatic events such as hurricanes, which may abruptly alter ecological processes in forests and thus affect avian diversity. Developing appropriate conservation measures necessitates identifying patterns of avifauna response to hurricanes. We sought to answer two questions: (1) does avian diversity, measured as community similarity, abundance, and species richness, change in areas affected by hurricane compared with unaffected areas, and (2) what factors are associated with the change(s) in avian diversity? We used North American Breeding Bird Survey data, hurricane track information, and a time series of Landsat images in a repeated measures framework to answer these questions. Our results show a decrease in community similarity in the first posthurricane breeding season for all species as a group, and for species that nest in the midstory and canopy. We also found significant effects of hurricanes on abundance for species that breed in urban and woodland habitats, but not on the richness of any guild. In total, hurricanes produced regional changes in community similarity largely without significant loss of richness or overall avian abundance.We identified several potential mechanisms for these changes in avian diversity, including hurricane-induced changes in forest habitat and the use of refugia by birds displaced from hurricane-damaged forests. The prospect of increasing frequency and intensity of hurricanes is not likely to invoke a conservation crisis for birds provided we maintain sufficient forest habitat so that avifauna can respond to hurricanes by shifting to areas of suitable habitat.
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Increasing surface temperatures and climatic variability associated with global climate change are expected to produce more frequent and intense heat waves and droughts in many parts of the world. Our goal was to elucidate the fundamental, but poorly understood, effects of these extreme weather events on avian communities across the conterminous United States. Specifically, we explored: (1) the effects of timing and duration of heat and drought events, (2) the effects of jointly occurring drought and heat waves relative to these events occurring in isolation, and (3) how effects vary among functional groups related to nest location and migratory habit, and among ecoregions with differing precipitation and temperature regimes. Using data from remote sensing, meteorological stations, and the North American Breeding Bird Survey, we used mixed effects models to quantify responses of overall and functional group abundance to heat waves and droughts (occurring alone or in concert) at two key periods in the annual cycle of birds: breeding and post-fledging. We also compared responses among species with different migratory and nesting characteristics, and among 17 ecoregions of the conterminous United States. We found large changes in avian abundances related to 100-year extreme weather events occurring in both breeding and post-fledging periods, but little support for an interaction among time periods. We also found that jointly-, rather than individually-occurring heat waves and droughts were both more common and more predictive of abundance changes. Declining abundance was the only significant response to post-fledging events, while responses to breeding period events were larger but could be positive or negative. Negative responses were especially frequent in the western U.S., and among ground-nesting birds and Neotropical migrants, with the largest single-season declines (36%) occurring among ground-nesting birds in the desert Southwest. These results indicate the importance of functional traits, timing, and geography in determining avian responses to weather extremes. Because dispersal to other regions appears to be an important avian response, it may be essential to maintain habitat refugia in a more climatically variable future.
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Droughts are expected to become more frequent under global climate change. Avifauna depend on precipitation for hydration, cover, and food. While there are indications that avian communities respond negatively to drought, little is known about the response of birds with differing functional and behavioural traits, what time periods and indicators of drought are most relevant, or how response varies geographically at broad spatial scales. Our goals were thus to determine (1) how avian abundance and species richness are related to drought, (2) whether community variations are more related to vegetation vigour or precipitation deviations and at what time periods relationships were strongest, (3) how response varies among avian guilds, and (4) how response varies among ecoregions with different precipitation regimes. Using mixed effect models and 1989-2005 North American Breeding Bird Survey data over the central United States, we examined the response to 10 precipitation- and greennessbased metrics by abundance and species richness of the avian community overall, and of four behavioural guilds. Drought was associated with the most negative impacts on avifauna in the semiarid Great Plains, while positive responses were observed in montane areas. Our models predict that in the plains, Neotropical migrants respond the most negatively to extreme drought, decreasing by 13.2% and 6.0% in abundance and richness, while permanent resident abundance and richness increase by 11.5% and 3.6%, respectively in montane areas. In most cases, response of abundance was greater than richness and models based on precipitation metrics spanning 32-week time periods were more supported than those covering shorter time periods and those based on greenness. While drought is but one of myriad environmental variations birds encounter, our results indicate that drought is capable of imposing sizable shifts in abundance, richness, and composition on avian communities, an important implication of a more climatically variable future.
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File: Radeloff_etal_Oikos2000.pdf
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Measures of image texture derived from remotely sensed imagery have proven useful in many applications. However, when using multitemporal imagery or multiple images to cover a large study area, it is important to understand how image texture measures are affected by surface phenology. Our goal was to characterize the robustness to phenological variation of common first- and second-order texture measures of satellite imagery. Three North American study sites were chosen to represent different biomes. At each site, a suite of image textures were calculated for three to four dates across the growing season. Texture measures were compared among dates to quantify their stability, and the stability of measures was also compared between biomes. Interseasonal variability of texture measures was high overall indicating that care must be taken when using measures of texture at different phenological stages. Certain texture measures, such as first-order mean and entropy, as well as second-order homogeneity, entropy, and dissimilarity, were more robust to phenological change than other measures
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Biodiversity and habitat face increasing pressures due to human and natural influences that alter vegetation structure. Because of the inherent difficulty of measuring forested vegetation three-dimensional (3-D) structure on the ground, this important component of biodiversity and habitat has been, until recently, largely restricted to local measurements, or at larger scales to generalizations. New lidar and radar remote sensing instruments such as those proposed for spaceborne missions will provide the capability to fill this gap. This paper reviews the state of the art for incorporating information on vegetation 3-D structure into biodiversity and habitat science and management approaches, with emphasis on use of lidar and radar data. First we review relationships between vegetation 3-D structure, biodiversity and habitat, and metrics commonly used to describe those relationships. Next, we review the technical capabilities of new lidar and radar sensors and their application to biodiversity and habitat studies to date. We then define variables that have been identified as both useful and feasible to retrieve from spaceborne lidar and radar observations and provide their accuracy and precision requirements. We conclude with a brief discussion of implications for spaceborne missions and research programs. The possibility to derive vegetation 3-D measurements from spaceborne active sensors and to integrate them into science and management comes at a critical juncture for global biodiversity conservation and opens new possibilities for advanced scientific analysis of habitat and biodiversity.
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File: Pidgeon_etal_ConsBio_2001.pdf
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Predicting broad-scale patterns of biodiversity is challenging, particularly in ecosystems where traditional methods of quantifying habitat structure fail to capture subtle but potentially important variation within habitat types. With the unprecedented rate at which global biodiversity is declining, there is a strong need for improvement in methods for discerning broad-scale differences in habitat quality. Here, we test the importance of habitat structure (i.e. fine-scale spatial variability in plant growth forms) and plant productivity (i.e. amount of green biomass) for predicting avian biodiversity. We used image texture (i.e. a surrogate for habitat structure) and vegetation indices (i.e. surrogates for plant productivity) derived from Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) data for predicting bird species richness patterns in the northern Chihuahuan Desert of New Mexico. Bird species richness was summarized for forty-two 108 ha plots in the McGregor Range of Fort Bliss Military Reserve between 1996 and 1998. Six Landsat TM bands and the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) were used to calculate first-order and second-order image texture measures. The relationship between bird species richness versus image texture and productivity (mean NDVI) was assessed using Bayesian model averaging. The predictive ability of the models was evaluated using leave-one-out cross-validation. Texture of NDVI predicted bird species richness better than texture of individual Landsat TM bands and accounted for up to 82.3% of the variability in species richness. Combining habitat structure and productivity measures accounted for up to 87.4% of the variability in bird species richness. Our results highlight that texture measures from Landsat TM imagery were useful for predicting patterns of bird species richness in semi-arid ecosystems and that image texture is a promising tool when assessing broad-scale patterns of biodiversity using remotely sensed data.
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Analyses of avian demographic patterns across entire, contiguous landscapes are rare, but such analyses are important for understanding population dynamics. We selected the Black-throated Sparrow in the northern Chihuahuan Desert as a model to test patterns of abundance and nest success across a landscape. We integrated abundance, nest density, and nesting success measured on sampling plots with a classified satellite map of the distribution of seven habitat types to analyze spatial and temporal patterns contributing to the population dynamics of this species. Adult relative abundance ranged from ,1 bird/100 ha in pinyon-juniper habitat to 24- 39 birds/100 ha in shrubland habitats. Nest density was consistently high in mesquite, moderate to high in creosotebush, and low in black grama grassland; this value exhibited more temporal variability than relative abundance of adults. Nest success rates exhibited a strong habitat effect and ranged from 8% in mesquite to 47% in black grama grassland; overall population nest success was 0.266. In all three years, nest success in mesquite was significantly lower than in all other habitat types (P , 0.01). There was no correlation between nest success and adult relative abundance. While mesquite habitat contained about one-third of all adults in the three years of the study, it contributed as little as 10% of successful nests. In creosotebush, the relative contribution to both adult abundance and successful nests was relatively high. Mesa grassland contained relatively few adults, but up to 44% of successful nests. We discuss how habitat selection theory suggests mechanisms for the observed patterns. Mesquite appears to be a population sink for Black-throated Sparrows and may be an ecological trap. While we do not propose that there is cause for conservation concern for this widespread species, our results underscore the pitfalls associated with using adult abundance as an indicator of habitat quality. The method presented here is applicable for many species and ecosystems and, thus, may be an important tool for conservation and management, as well as a new avenue for scientific investigation of landscape-level population dynamics.
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Remote sensing needs to clarify the strengths of different methods so they can be consistently applied in forest management and ecology. Both the use of phenological information in satellite imagery and the use of vegetation indices have independently improved classifications of north temperate forests. Combining these sources of information in change detection has been effective for land cover classifications at the continental scale based on Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) imagery. Our objective is to test if using vegetation indices and change analysis of multiseasonal imagery can also improve the classification accuracy of deciduous forests at the landscape scale. We used Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) scenes that corresponded to Populus spp. leaf-on and Quercus spp. leaf-off (May), peak summer (August), Acer spp. peak color (September), Acer spp. and Populus spp. leaf-off (October). Input data files derived from the imagery were: (1) TM Bands 3, 4, and 5 from all dates; (2) Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) from all dates; (3) Tasseled Cap brightness, greenness, and wetness (BGW) from all dates; (4) difference in TM Bands 3, 4, and 5 from one date to the next; (5) difference in NDVI from one date to the next; and (6) difference in BGW from one date to the next. The overall kappa statistics (KHAT) for the aforementioned classifications of deciduous genera were 0.48, 0.36, 0.33, 0.38, 0.26, 0.43, respectively. The highest accuracies occurred from TM Bands 3, 4, and 5 (61.0% for deciduous genera, 67.8% for all classes) or from the difference in BGW (61.0% for deciduous genera, 67.8% for all classes). However, the difference in Tasseled Cap classification more accurately separated deciduous shrubs and harvested stands from closed canopy forest. Our results indicate that phenological change of forest is most accurately captured by combining image differencing and Tasseled Cap indices.
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